The Journey to Parity

Learn more about the full report and the call to action for initiatives and efforts to promote equity in Cincinnati.

An Overview of State of Black Cincinnati: The Journey to Parity

Understanding the State of Black Cincinnati

The "State of Black Cincinnati: The Journey to Parity" report by the Urban League of Greater Southwestern Ohio comprehensively examines the disparities faced by Black residents in Cincinnati since it was last published in 2015. It provides a detailed analysis of the socio-economic challenges and systemic inequities that have persisted over the years and outlines the steps necessary to achieve parity.

The "State of Black Cincinnati: The Journey to Parity" is more than words on a page. It's a call to action for the community, policymakers, and stakeholders to work collectively towards a more equitable and just Cincinnati. By addressing the systemic issues and implementing the recommended policies, Cincinnati can move closer to achieving true parity for all its residents.


State of Black Cincinnati Booklet Placeholder





Candra Reeves, MPP, M.S.

Candra Reeves is an experienced researcher with strong analytical skills and experience in policy research, report writing, and program evaluation. As the Senior Director of Data & Analytics, she develops and enhances the systems necessary to gather internal and external organizational performance information. She then utilizes this information to assess, improve, and demonstrate organizational impact. With both a Master of Science in Criminal Justice and a Master of Public Policy, Candra combines her expertise to underscore the importance of data in advocacy and policy change, as we cannot change what we do not know.





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  • Overview: A Few Key Takeaways
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  • Overview: A Few Key Takeaways

    What We Want You to Know

    Cincinnati as a Microcosm

    Cincinnati represents a microcosm of broader national issues related to racial disparities. The Urban League of Greater Southwestern Ohio aims to disrupt generational poverty by addressing the complex factors contributing to it among Black Cincinnatians. The report highlights the interconnected aspects of the Black experience in Cincinnati and measures the impact of efforts made by the Urban League and its partners.

    Economic Disparities

    The report sheds light on significant economic disparities. In 2021, 35.6% of Cincinnati’s Black residents lived in poverty compared to 16.5% of White residents. The median household income for Black families was $31,520, significantly lower than the $70,909 for White families. The report emphasizes the importance of economic mobility and the need for equitable financial opportunities to build a thriving Black middle class.

    Impact of COVID-19

    The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated existing inequities, with Black residents experiencing higher rates of infection and mortality. Economic repercussions were severe, with nearly 50% of Black respondents reporting financial struggles due to the pandemic. The pandemic highlighted the urgent need for healthcare equity and economic support for marginalized communities.

    Housing Inequities

    Housing disparities are a critical issue, with historical practices such as redlining continuing to affect Black residents disproportionately. The report highlights the high rates of eviction and foreclosure among Black residents and calls for increased affordable housing and equitable development policies to address these challenges.

    Education Disparities

    Educational attainment in Cincinnati is deeply divided along racial lines. Predominantly White neighborhoods have higher levels of education, while Black and mixed-race neighborhoods face significant challenges. The report calls for equitable access to quality education and resources to bridge this gap.

    Criminal Justice and Policing

    The report examines the disparities in the criminal justice system, with Black residents facing higher rates of incarceration and police interactions. The Collaborative Agreement of 2002 aimed to address these issues through transparency and community-oriented policing, but challenges remain. The report advocates for ongoing reforms and accountability to ensure justice and equity for all residents.

    Health Disparities

    Health disparities are stark, with Black residents having a lower life expectancy and higher rates of chronic conditions compared to White residents. The report stresses the importance of addressing social determinants of health and ensuring equitable access to healthcare services.

    Policy Recommendations

    To achieve parity, the report outlines several policy recommendations, including:

    • Economic empowerment through job creation and support for Black-owned businesses.
    • Education reforms to provide equal opportunities for all students.
    • Housing policies that promote affordable and equitable housing development.
    • Health initiatives to address disparities and improve access to care.
    • Criminal justice reforms to ensure fair treatment and reduce racial biases.


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