Our program equips youth with crucial knowledge about their legal rights and best practices during encounters with law enforcement. 

The Equitable Encounters Program

Help us foster safer, more informed interactions between youth and police.

Program Objectives
    • Educate students about their individual rights when encountering law enforcement officers.
    • Foster a sense of confidence and assertiveness in students when interacting with the police.
    • Promote understanding in dialogue between students and law enforcement officers.
    • Provide practical tips and strategies for de-escalating tense situations during encounters with the police.
    • Encourage students to empower themselves to imagine innovative solutions to the criminal legal system.
    • Enhance students' knowledge of the criminal legal system and their role as informed citizens.


About the Equitable Encounters Program

Equitable Encounters is a powerful youth program dedicated to educating young people about their legal rights and best practices during interactions with law enforcement. Designed to foster safer and more informed encounters, this program empowers youth with crucial tools and knowledge to navigate these situations effectively. By promoting mutual respect and understanding, Equitable Encounters supports positive outcomes between young people and law enforcement, making it an invaluable resource for parents, educators, and community stakeholders committed to the well-being and safety of youth in Hamilton County.

Ready to learn more?

Sign up to learn more about the program at our upcoming information session.

Key Learning Areas

This program is designed specifically for high school students and driver-aged youth in Hamilton County, focusing on those who may be at a higher risk of negative interactions with law enforcement with the hope they will learn:

Street Smarts & Legal Rights

Participants gain an understanding of fundamental rights outlined in the Constitution and Bill of Rights, with a focus on the 1st, 4th, 5th, and 14th Amendments. The content is contextualized to reflect real-life situations youth may encounter with law enforcement.

Stop & Frisk

This section explains key concepts like reasonable suspicion, exigent circumstances, detainment, and frisking. Special attention is given to challenges faced by undocumented immigrants.

What Happens When You’re Stopped

Participants learn what to expect during a police stop, including their rights to remain silent, have a guardian present, and access legal counsel. They also explore the dangers of providing false information, the importance of probable cause, and how to handle situations involving warrants.

Car Searches

This practical guide helps youth understand their rights regarding car searches. Topics include the "plain view" doctrine and other legal protections to be aware of during vehicle stops.

Arrest Protocols

Students gain insights into the 4th and 5th Amendment rights, including what to expect during an arrest, the use of force, Miranda rights, and the questioning process.

Recording Police

Youth are informed about their 1st Amendment rights related to recording police interactions in public spaces, covering audio recording laws and consent requirements.

Handling Police Misconduct

Participants learn how to report police misconduct, file civilian complaints, and navigate processes when rights are violated or if property damage or injuries occur. They also learn how to gather witness statements effectively.

Understanding School Rules

This segment covers students' rights related to police presence and searches within school environments, with a focus on metal detectors, strip searches, and police dogs.